Saturday, December 26, 2009

الأسرة ومحكمة الأحداث

الآلاف من الأطفال يصبحوا بيادق في ثقافة الجشع والفساد في ولاية كاليفورنيا الأسرة ومحاكم الأحداث
سان دييغو ، كاليفورنيا -- رؤيا أن سان دييغو الأسرة ومحكمة الأحداث نظام ٪ u2019s الأعلى أجرا نفسيين ومحامين والطلاق ، والجارديان litums الإعلانية الرائدة ومديري قد يشاركون في مستويات متعددة من الفساد والغش وعمولات ورشاوى قادت قوات التحالف لكاليفورنيا الأسر والأطفال (CCFC) للمطالبة تحقيقا واسع النطاق. ما بدأ في الدعوى التي رفعها أحد ٪ u2019s الدولة الرائدة أطباء النفسيين الدكتور ٪ u2013عماد تادرس ، نائب رئيس قسم الصحة السلوكية في مركز سكريبس الرحمة الطبية قد توسعت لتشمل انتهاكات للقانون من قبل الموظفين القضائيين ، التبرعات للحملات الانتخابية القضائية ، ومكافآت ضخمة ٪ u201Creferral ٪ u201D بين المحامين الذين يستفيدون من -- و في بعض الحالات -- تشجيع والصراع والشقاء الطلاق بين الأسر.
أعلى حضانة المقيم كذب بشأن استئناف وتلقى وثائق تفويض من u201Cfake ٪ ٪ مطحنة u201D الدبلوم وفقط بعد الدكتور تادرس نفسه ذهب من خلال جلسة استماع في محكمة الأسرة في أوائل عام 2007 أنه بدأ يلاحظ وجود نمط مشكوك المنطق النفسي وراء التوصيات حضانة سان دييغو ٪ u2019s أعلى محكمة الأسرة المقيم -- الدكتور ستيفن Doyne ٪ u2019. عند التحقيق Doyne ٪ u2019s الخلفية ، تادروس المستفادة Doyne قد كذب على سيرته الذاتية عند التماس عينته المحكمة للعمل ، وتحريف له مرارا وتكرارا الشهادات المهنية لعملائه ، حيث انه كان يتقاضى أجرا لقاء الآلاف من الأطفال في الحياة الخاصة ، وتقديم توصيات تغيير الحجز .
تادرس ٪ u2019 تلاحظ أن الدعوى لم يكتف أعضاء هيئة التدريس في كليات المنطقة عدة ينكر Doyne تدرس علم النفس هناك دورات (حسب ادعاءاته استئناف) ، صاحب إضافية ٪ u201Ccredentials ٪ u201D تم الحصول عليها من تشغيل طاحونة u201Cdegree ٪ u201D ٪ من مدان في فيلادلفيا. نقابة المحامين الأمريكية جورنال مؤخرا أن ٪ u201Cdegree مطحنة ٪ u201D في المسألة مرة تمنح رفيع المستوى دبلوم لقطة المنزل. الإحالات ومردودها الملايين Doyne صافي ووفقا لمتحدث باسم التحالف كول ستيوارت ، يفضل أن يظهر في الصراع u201Chigh ٪ ٪ u201D الحالات حيث الآباء لديها الكثير من المال ولكن لا يمكن ٪ u2019t نتفق على شيء.Doyne غالبا ما يستقبل إحالات من المحامين لهذه الحالات ، وفقا لما جاء فى المذكرة القانونية المقدمة مؤخرا قوات التحالف ومردودها لهذه الإحالات وشملت السخي المكتشف ٪ u2019s رسوم غير عادية واتفاقات المقايضة. المحكمة نفسها كما عين Doyne مباشرة لقضايا قانون الأسرة. عندما يقترن الإحالات ، وDoyne يكسب أكثر من 1،000،000 دولار في السنة u2013 ٪ أعلى بكثير من متوسط محكمة الأسرة نفساني راتب $ 60،000 -- $ 120،000.و٪ u2018cottage u201D صناعة مزدهرة على الشعب ٪ u2019s البؤس كاثلين راسل ، وهو أحد مؤسسي ومستشار الموظفين في مركز الامتياز القضائي ، ومقاطعة مارين المجتمعية منظمة مراقبة قضائية ، ويقول في كاليفورنيا محكمة الأسرة نظام تطورت إلى u201Cculture ٪ من المحسوبية ٪ u201D ٪ من هو الذي u201Ccottage صناعة u201D ٪ من المقيمين الخاص وسطاء نمت وازدهرت.
في سكرامنتو مقاطعة ، ومتوسط سعر الصرف بامر من المحكمة التقييم والتقرير هو 15،000 دولار. في مقاطعة مارين ، قد المقيمون تهمة بقدر 60،000 دولار. u201CFamilies ٪ ويجري خراب عاطفيا وماليا من خلال هذا النظام ، u201D ٪ وتقول باربرا كوفمان ، وهو قانون الأسرة المحامي في مقاطعة مارين.
أي مساءلة والمحكمة العليا في مقاطعة سان دييغو اعترف مؤخرا أنها لا تعتبر نفسها مسؤولة عن التحقق من مؤهلات كل من حضانة الطفل المقيم أنه يعين. بدلا من ذلك ، فقد فوضت المسؤولية عن هذه الرقابة إلى u201CPublic ٪ ليصل إلى ٪ u201D كبيرة.
ومع ذلك ، مع الرقابة التنظيمية محدودة ويكاد لا توجد سبل للأفراد من الجمهور لتحدي قرارات المقيم هامة مثل حضانة الأطفال ، وائتلاف كاليفورنيا للأسرة والطفل وتقول ان وكيلا عديمي الضمير التي يمكن أن ترتكب ٪ غير كفء u2014even الجنائية ٪ u2014behavior دون أي خوف من المساءلة . في حالة Doyne ، والائتلاف من يدعي أن له شبكة من العلاقات مع الإحالات والقضاة وفرت الغطاء القانوني والسياسي بالنسبة له u201Cto ٪ البقاء في الظل u201D ٪.وتقول المتحدثة باسم التحالف ستيوارت : طبقات u201CWith ٪ من الناس من جعل المال الضخم قبالة ٪ u2013 النظام الحالي بما في ذلك القضاة والإداريين أنفسهم ٪ u2013 المحكمة قد حافز لإجراء تغييرات. ٪ u201D
وقال ستيوارت ان الائتلاف هو الذي يطلب هذه الحملة من كل السجلات المالية المنتخبين في سان دييغو الأسرة قاضي المحكمة لتحديد ما إذا كان المقيمون Doyne وغيرها من المساهمين.
الآلاف من الحالات يمكن أن تتأثر ٪ u2013 التحالف يدعو الى الاصلاح ووفقا للدعوى تادرس ، Doyne تم ارتكاب الغش في كل مرة كان له مصدقة ٪ u201Ccredentials ٪ u201D في المنازعات المتعلقة بحضانة لعقود من الزمان. هذا قد يؤدي الآلاف من الآباء المحرومين طلب تعويضات قانونية ضد الدولة ومحكمة المقاطعة ، ونطالب بأن يكون فتح منازعاتها.
يقول ستيوارت : ٪ u201CThe التحالف يسأل المجلس التشريعي فورا لمراجعة الحسابات في مقاطعة سان دييغو نظام محكمة الأسرة وإصلاح الطريق الأسرة مقيمين معتمدين المحكمة هي وظفت. الآباء والأمهات والحاجة العامة لاستعادة ثقة بأن قرارات الحضانة ويجري أجعل المهنيين الأكفاء الذين الدافع الأساسي هو رفاه الطفل و٪ u2013 لا تحصل على الأغنياء.

San Diego Family Court Fraud

SAN DIEGO -- Jim Wittmack's home is lined with hundreds of pictures of the two children who no longer live with him."The whole custody thing was about money," he said.He has strong feelings about the family court system. "It is very well crafted by the professionals to extort money from the parents and ramp up fees," he explained.It's a complaint the 10News I-Team has heard several times over the past year while investigation several stories in family court.Connie Valentine of the California Protective Parents Association said, "It's pay to play."She said the problem is not unique to San Diego or even to California, but is nationwide."It's a money industry at this point; a completely unregulated money industry in which the professionals can charge what they want," she said.The professionals include attorneys, evaluators, special masters and mediators. Sometimes one person will take on different roles in different cases. For example, a mediator in one case might be a custody evaluator in a second and a special master, or tie-breaker, in a third.Among the higher priced services provided by psychologists in San Diego is a custody evaluation. There are a dozen psychologists routinely used in San Diego Family Court."The fact that they use the same 12 people over and over again just confirms that it's like a cartel," said Wittmack.He said the professionals know each other well and refer each other work.Wittmack had two evaluations over three years with the same psychologist. The cost was $14,000."You just have to come up with the money whether it exists or not. In my case, I borrowed it from my sister," he explained.The evaluators often will not release their reports until their bill is paid; they even get judges to compel payment, the I-team learned.The I-Team found one example out of Northern California in which an 11-year-old boy, Coby, was the center of a custody dispute. His mother was ordered to pay $2,200 upfront to a custody evaluator. In the ruling, the judge wrote, "If mother does not pay the fees ... primary custody shall be changed."The mother did not come up with the money and she lost custody. She told the I-Team she didn't have the money and the boy's father had missed child support payments.Valentine said, "It's a shocking case."She reported it to the Judicial Council, which oversees California courts.Evaluators counter that their work provides valuable insight, especially given that judges get limited time with family members involved in disputes.Stephen Sparta, Ph.D., spoke before a gathering of family law attorneys, judges and evaluators last spring and pointed out that evaluations are thorough and can help spot the psychosis in parents. He gave examples of violent outcomes of custody battles to make his point."Sometimes I feel badly that people without money don't get these evaluations," he told the crowd.The I-Team confirmed that low income families, even those with documented conflict, are not ordered to get the custody evaluations because there is nobody to pay for it. The reports are only used for families with financial means.Since even some judges question the value, the I-Team asked Supervising Judge Lorna Alksne why they are used for people in the middle or upper classes.She responded that parents often request or demand these evaluations hoping their side will be favored. In most cases, she said, it is the parents and their attorneys who provide the court with the names they want to be selected as the evaluator. Judges do not control the costs, but they may rule on how parents should split the bill.Alksne also pointed out that some judges try to dissuade parents from getting the evaluations because of the time and expense involved and the fact that it does not always solve the problems relating to custody sharing arrangements.Parents have told the I-Team that attorneys or even judges steered them into the evaluation.One local Judge, Jeffrey Boswick, is openly critical of the process. He spoke frankly about the evaluations while giving a presentation to court professionals. The presentation was videotaped and provided to 10News."It's too expensive, it takes too long to do, and it often times doesn't solve anything in the case," he said.Wittmack said he had 50-50 custody of his children and that he and his wife typically were cordial to each other until the lawyers and professionals became involved.He said he agreed to the first custody evaluation, but made it clear that he couldn't afford the second one.In a letter, the custody evaluator who worked on his case said Wittmack failed to pay the entire "cost of the assessment" up-front.The evaluator wrote it "resulted in the court changing custody."Wittmack has his pictures of his children all around him, but he only has his children every other weekend.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My name is Dierdre Celeste Coddington Bonds de Cortes. I am sorry to inform you but a lunatic Judge by the name of Edward P. Allard III Court ordered Google, Yola, my space, Talkshoe any where I may go on the Internet to realese everybodies YES EVERYBoDIES info even personal info that goes there. So in other words if I go there everything from the whole conversation and or postings to everysingle bit of info about every singlr person that has went there and or will come there. and get this It has not expiration date.
click here to see the Two page CRAZY insane court order
Court Order Part 1-
Court Order Part 2

Let me remind you I live IN Georgia am over 21 and have no case in any Family Court!!!! So How the HELL is this Legal? Please feel free to ask GOOGLE and or any other server if they plan to respect this ilegal court order of this LUNATIC Judge Edward P. Allard or Attorney Jeffrey P. Wade.

Thousands of Children Become Pawns in Culture of Greed and Corruption in California Family Courts
San Diego, CA - Revelations that the San Diego Family Court system’s highest paid psychologists, divorce lawyers and leading administrators may be engaged in multiple levels of corruption, fraud and kick-backs has led the California Coalition for Families and Children (CCFC) to demand a full-scale investigation. What started as a lawsuit filed by one of the state’s leading Psychiatrists – Dr. Emad Tadros, Vice Chief of Behavioral Health at Scripps Mercy Medical Center has rapidly expanded to include law violations by judicial staff, judicial campaign contributions, and hefty “referral” bonuses between lawyers who profit from - and in some cases - encourage conflict and misery among divorcing families.
Top custody evaluator lied on resume and received credentials from “fake” diploma mill It was only after Dr. Tadros himself went through a family court hearing in early 2007 that he began noticing a pattern questionable psychological reasoning behind the custody recommendations of San Diego’s top family court evaluator - Dr. Steven Doyne’. Upon investigating Doyne’s background, Tadros learned Doyne had lied on his resume when seeking court-appointed work, and repeatedly misrepresented his professional certifications to his clients, where he was paid to interview thousands of children in private and make life-altering custody recommendations.
Tadros’ lawsuit notes that not only did faculty at several area colleges deny Doyne taught psychology courses there (as his resume claims), his additional “credentials” were obtained from a “degree mill” run by a convicted felon in Philadelphia. The American Bar Association Journal recently reported that the “degree mill” in question once granted a high-level diploma to a house cat. Referrals and Paybacks net Doyne millions According to Coalition spokesperson Cole Stuart, prefers to make appearances in “high conflict” cases where the parents have lots of money but can’t agree on anything. Doyne often receives referrals from attorneys for these cases, and according to a recent legal brief filed by the Coalition, paybacks for these referrals have included generous finder’s fees and unusual barter agreements. The court itself has also directly appointed Doyne to family law cases. When coupled with referrals, Doyne earns over $1,000,000 a year – far higher than the average family court psychologist salary of $60,000 - $120,000. A ‘cottage industry” thriving on people’s misery Kathleen Russell, a cofounder and staff consultant at the Center for Judicial Excellence, a Marin County community-based judicial watchdog organization, says the California family court system has evolved into a “culture of cronyism” from which a “cottage industry” of private evaluators and mediators has grown and thrived.
In Sacramento County, the average rate for a court-ordered evaluation and report is $15,000. In Marin County, evaluators may charge as much as $60,000. “Families are being ruined emotionally and financially by this system,” says Barbara Kauffman, a family law attorney in Marin County.
No accountability The Superior Court of San Diego County recently admitted that it does not see itself as responsible for verifying the qualifications of each child custody evaluator it appoints. Instead, it has delegated the responsibility for this oversight to the “Public at Large”.
However, with limited regulatory oversight and virtually no avenues for members of the public to challenge important evaluator decisions such as child custody, The California Coalition for Families and Children says that an unscrupulous agent can commit incompetent—even criminal—behavior without any fear of accountability. In the case of Doyne, the Coalition contends that his network of referrals and relationships with judges has provided the legal and political cover for him “to remain in the shadows”. Says Coalition spokesperson Stuart: “With layers of people making huge money off the current system – including judges and administrators themselves – the court has little incentive to make changes.”
Stuart said that the Coalition is requesting the campaign finance records of every elected San Diego Family Court Judge to determine if Doyne and other evaluators are contributors.
Thousands of Cases Could be Affected – Coalition Calls for Reform According to the Tadros suit, Doyne was committing fraud each time he certified his “credentials” in custody disputes for decades. This could lead thousands of disenfranchised parents to seek legal damages against the county court and state, and demand that their disputes be reopened.
Says Stuart: “The Coalition is asking the Legislature to immediately audit the San Diego County family court system and reform the way family court evaluators are credentialed and hired. Parents and the public need to regain confidence that custody decisions are being make my competent professionals whose primary motivation is the well-being of the child – not getting rich.”
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